A few Aerni baby updates…
I feel baby kick lots now – all throughout the day. Ryan has felt him several times too – and even seen the movements from outside my tummy. He got a real kick out of that!
1) Our nursery is coming along really well! Ryan and his dad put together the crib & dresser so we have furniture. We just need to get our rocking chair in there and we are in business. Darn Jill forgot to take photos of the men putting together the items and I was not very happy about that ‘slip of memory’. Argh! However I have included a couple views of the new things – we love them! I do still need to do some wall decorations and final touches but we are moving right along.
I feel baby kick lots now – all throughout the day. Ryan has felt him several times too – and even seen the movements from outside my tummy. He got a real kick out of that!
1) Our nursery is coming along really well! Ryan and his dad put together the crib & dresser so we have furniture. We just need to get our rocking chair in there and we are in business. Darn Jill forgot to take photos of the men putting together the items and I was not very happy about that ‘slip of memory’. Argh! However I have included a couple views of the new things – we love them! I do still need to do some wall decorations and final touches but we are moving right along.

2) Classes! We took our breastfeeding class and are finishing up our Prepared Childbirth (Lamaze) and Baby Cares classes. We both find the baby cares class really awesome – we learned to take baby’s temp, give him a bath, all about circumcision, swaddling the baby, white noise, and so much more. We are in the last class BryanLGH is offering – next year they are putting some information in their Lamaze class and then some when the mom’s actually have the baby. So we were grateful we signed up before they squished all the information down. Lamaze is tougher for Ryan to sit through – more about the mom and how childbirth will go. But he is a great supporter every week – and the class clown. He actually made a joke the first week about how much “practice” he got in before we got pregnant in front of the entire class!!! Talk about Jill’s face turning red as can be. Ahhhhh!
3) Baby Aerni update: Doctor thinks think’s everything is going well. We had a temporary scare when I failed my first glucose test, but after the three hour version (which totally sucked!) baby and I were in the clear. I am growing at the right pace and gaining weight like I should be – but a lady never tells how much she weighs! As the third trimester started, I have some interesting symptoms cropping up that I am not terribly happy about. But I guess that’s what I signed up for!
4) Mookie Update: Mookie seems to sense the changes are coming closer. She loves to cuddle my tummy now and lay as near to me as possible. She sniffs me more often than usual too – a little weird. She hangs out in the nursery whenever Ryan & I are working in there, wanting to be close to both mom & dad and her new baby brother. She has been a good doggie the last months and will always be my little princess.
Baby is at 30 weeks as I write this so we are nearing the finals – can’t wait to introduce little one to the world!
Merry Christmas
Love Ryan, Jill, Mookie & Baby.